
PuzzledButterfly_opt3Puzzled Butterfly is dedicated to improving the quality of life for lupus patients and their loved ones by providing support, educational outreach services, and promoting self-advocacy. We understand the isolation and fear lupus patients often feel when they are first diagnosed. We also recognize the impact the disease can have on other family members. Our education and support programs are designed to empower patients to actively participate in their own health care to hopefully improve disease outcome and enhance their quality of life.

The Lupus Research Institute reports “Lupus is one of America’s least recognized major diseases. There is 1.5 to 2 million Americans living with lupus; that’s 1 out of every 185 people. In fact, more people have lupus than AIDS, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis combined; making it one of this country’s most prevalent medical conditions.” It is part of our mission to bring public awareness to this conundrum.


All information presented on this site is for informational purposes only, not medical advice. The information provided on this site has been gathered from several sources via the internet and may differ from that of your physician. All information presented is for informational purposes only and by no means used to treat or diagnose any illness. Readers are cautioned not to rely on this information as medical advice and to consult a qualified licensed medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional for their specific needs. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to have any formal medical training or background. I am not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any emotional or physical problems that may occur directly or indirectly from reading the material provided on this site. Consult your doctor or a licensed medical professional before beginning any new diet and/or exercise program.

Thank you for visiting our site and hope you find the information included helpful.

One thought on “Welcome

  1. linda henderson says:

    I enjoyed knowing there is another place to get info about lupus. The name is so fitting for symptoms of lupus patients. Butterflies are beautiful n very delicate. Some of the symptoms causes pain from just a touch ; even the thought of a love one wanting to give a hug is devastating. It’s as if the butterfly losing silk. It’s sad to see a love one deal with lupus.


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